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Oklahoma's Finest Upland Hunting Experience
Versatile Gun Dogs & Solutions for the Modern Wingshooter
Todd L Farris - Managing Member P.O. Box 404 Wellston, OK 74881

Official Host

Charter Member

Official Dealer

2020 "R3" Litter
This litter is sold out to hunter homes in Oklahoma, California, Kansas, and Texas
"pour Saint Hubertus"
Pioneer Okie de Prairie Prime TAN WRT
Odette de L' Ardour TAN WRT


Successful Ties - Sept. 7 & Sept. 9, 2020
X-Ray Litter Confirmation - Oct. 30, 2020
Litter Whelped 5 Females - Nov. 8, 2020
Re-home - Jan 15, 2021
This is a breeding we have been working towards and anticipating for quite some time. The venerable de L' Ardour line of Epagneul Breton is one we are committed to carrying on in the United States through careful breeding practices as an important component in the creation of Prairie Prime's "pour Saint Hubertus" line. Both the Sire and Dam are amazing wild bird hunters and great retrievers in a vigorous package. We anticipate Pokie and Odette to yield offspring with incredible drive and a home demeanor 2nd to none. If you are mainly an upland bird hunter but enjoy waterfowling as well and are looking for elegance, speed, purity, and classic style in a white and orange package you have found it in our "pour Saint Hubertus" line. This line produces true prairie dynamos capable of working bigger country and they are spectacular to watch in the field.

R3 Litter
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