Oklahoma's Finest Upland Hunting Experience
Versatile Gun Dogs & Solutions for the Modern Wingshooter
Todd L Farris - Managing Member P.O. Box 404
tfarris@prairieprime.com Wellston, OK 74881

Official Host

Charter Member

Official Dealer

Wingshooting USA July 2018 Episode
Two of our dogs Jacques and Liberte' were featured Epagneul Bretons on Scott Linden's Wingshooting USA upland hunting television show produced the fall of 2016 during Iowa's opener. I credit Scott Linden and specifically his show Wingshooting USA for sparking my interest in the upland hunting lifestyle many years ago. Scott Linden has become a great friend over the last few years and while having a conversation in Kansas City at Pheasants Forever's Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic trade show in early 2016 we discussed what a show might look like featuring the Epagneul Breton. After a few months of discussion we decided to move forward with an episode of Wingshooting USA showcasing the Epagneul Breton breed. It was a great two day hunt and with our show successfully capturing on camera the essence of what makes the Epagneul Breton such a great upland gun dog. My hope is our Wingshooting USA show brings more people to the upland hunting lifestyle and through awareness of the Epagneul Breton more hunters to this wonderful breed. The episode aired nationwide on multiple networks beginning the week of August 7, 2017. A second episode of Scott Linden's Wingshooting USA featuring Prairie Prime Epagneul Bretons aired beginning the week of July 15, 2018. To learn more about the Epagneul Breton gun dog breed and about Prairie Prime Epagneul Bretons read the Gun Dog magazine article from the March/April/May 2018 issue by clicking the following link.
Todd Farris - Prairie Prime LLC
Phone - 405.400.0960
Wingshooting USA August 2017 Episode